1081sqft Office In 94 Business Centre by The Vertical
Total Price Rs:195.00 Lacs
- Property type: Office
- Offer type: Installment Plan
- Installment Plan in Years: 1.5 Years
- City: Lahore
- Society: 94 Business Centre by The Vertical
- Payment Term: 6 Quarterly Payments
- 24/7 Security
- A.I Firefighting system
- Backup Generators
- Conference Rooms
- Gym
- High Speed Elevators
- Prayer Area
- Valet Parking
94 Business Centre by The Vertical, 1081 Sq.ft Office
- Property: Office
- Size: 1081 sqft
- Total Price: PKR 19,458,000
- Down Payment 30%: Rs:5,837,400/-
- Installments Plan: 1.5 Years
- Installments Frequency: 6 Quarterly Installments